CHAR vs VARCHAR Memory Grants In SQL Server Queries

Strings Were A Mistake

While working with a client recently, we found that someone, at some point in time, probably during the original migration from Access, had chosen CHAR columns rather than VARCHAR columns.

Okay, fine. How bad could it be?

Bad enough that… A whole bunch of columns that only had a single character in them were stored in CHAR(1000) columns.

Which was wildly inflating memory grants, and causing all sorts of nasty issues.

Table create script it at the end of the post!

Del Granto

To show how you much different grants are for char vs varchar, I need to give you a little background on sort memory grant estimates.

When the optimizer estimates how much memory it’ll need, the calculation is based on the number and width of the rows that will have to get sorted.

For variable length string columns, it estimates that half the number of bytes will be filled. So if you have a varchar(100) column it’ll estimate 50 bytes will be filled for every row, and for an nvarchar(100) column it’ll estimate that 100 bytes will be filled for every row, because unicode characters are stored as double-byte to account for accent marks, etc.

So, yes, identically sized varchar and nvarchar columns will have different memory grant requirements.

And yes, identically sized (n)char and (n)varchar columns will also have different memory grant requirements.

Granto Loco

Let’s take these two queries, and let memory grant feedback right-size the grants for these two queries:

    @c char(1000);
    @c = m.char_col
FROM dbo.murmury AS m
ORDER BY m.some_date DESC;

    @v varchar(1000);
    @v = m.varchar_col
FROM dbo.murmury AS m
ORDER BY m.some_date DESC;

Here are the fully adjusted and stabilized grants:

SQL Server Query Plan
hangin’ tough

Around 9GB vs 441MB. All because those CHAR columns are padded out with 999 empty characters.

SQL Server Query Results
camp nightmare

So hey, if you need a reason to review schema for char column sanity, this just might be it.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.



    ) AS id,
    ) AS some_date,
        LEFT(x.text, 1)
    ) AS char_col,
        LEFT(x.text, 1)
    ) AS varchar_col
INTO dbo.murmury
SELECT TOP (1000 * 5000)
        ORDER BY 
    ) AS n,
FROM sys.messages AS m
CROSS JOIN sys.messages AS m2
) AS x;

ALTER TABLE dbo.murmury


Allow Memory Grant Percent In SQL Server Standard Edition

Voice Of Users

I recently opened a User Voice issue for this, and I’d appreciate if you’d vote for it (note: this link is dead now, long live the first party solution)

From the issue:

In 2016 SP1 we got many features handed down to Standard Edition, but Resource Governor was not one of them.

In Enterprise Edition, Resource Governor is frequently used to reduce the maximum memory grant percent down from 25. That prevents queries that you don’t have control over from totally trashing your server. Since memory grant feedback is not available in Standard Edition, users aren’t left with many options. Query hints are nice, but only if you can change the queries.

Max grant percent should be either settable in Standard Edition, or decoupled from Resource Governor and settable at the database or server level.

Furthers Day

Adding in a bit more editorializing than I thought was appropriate in the User Voice issue, this setting is irresponsibly high for most workloads. If you have Max Server Memory set to 100GB, do you really want queries being able to ask for 25GB of it?

Because, like, they can.

If you have control over the queries and indexes on a server, there are all sorts of potential things you can do to “fix” memory grants. Sometimes they come from bad estimates, other times they come from inflated string column sizes — think about that column you have called “State” that’s an nvarchar max — because the optimizer guesses that every value will be about half the size of the definition.

There are lots of reasons! So many reasons, in fact, that Microsoft has a performance feature called Memory Grant Feedback. The problem is that this feature is only available in Enterprise Edition, and not readily available to Row Mode queries until SQL Server 2019. In SQL Server 2017, you needed some column store/batch mode operations in your query for it to apply.

While there are hints that can be used to control memory grants at the query level, query hints can be hard to apply in some circumstances. Vendor code, ORMs, ad hoc heavy workloads, and more make the broad application of query hints impossible.

Having this as a setting outside of Resource Governor (or, heck, making Resource Governor available in Standard Edition), would be a huge benefit to what seems like a forgotten group of SQL Server customers.

Thanks for reading!

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If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

The Three Kinds Of Memory Contention In SQL Server

Savings and Loans

Whomever decided to give “memory bank” its moniker was wise beyond their years, or maybe they just made a very apt observation: all memory is on loan.

Even in the context we’ll be talking about, when SQL Server has lock pages in memory enabled, the pages that are locked in memory may not have permanent residency.

If your SQL Server doesn’t have enough memory, or if various workload elements are untuned, you may hit one of these scenarios:

  • Query Memory Grant contention (RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE)
  • Buffer Cache contention (PAGEIOLATCH_XX)
  • A mix of the two, where both are fighting over finite resources

It’s probably fair to note that not all query memory grant contention will result in RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE. There are times when you’ll have just enough queries asking for memory grants to knock a significant pages out of the plan cache to cause an over-reliance on disk without ever hitting the point where you’ve exhausted the amount of memory that SQL Server will loan out to queries.

To help you track down any of these scenarios, you can use my stored procedure sp_PressureDetector to see what’s going on with things.

Black Friday

Most servers I see have a mix of the two issues. Everyone complains about SQL Server being a memory hog without really understanding why. Likewise, many people are very proud about how fast their storage is without really understanding how much faster memory is. It’s quite common to hear someone say they they recently got a whole bunch of brand new shiny flashy storage but performance is still terrible on their server with 64GB of RAM and 1TB of data.

I recently had a client migrate some infrastructure to the cloud, and they were complaining about how queries got 3x slower. As it turned out, the queries were accruing 3x more PAGEIOLATCH waits with the same amount of memory assigned to SQL Server. Go figure.

If you’d like to see those waits in action, and how sp_PressureDetector can help you figure out which queries are causing problems, check out this video.

Market Economy

The primary driver of how much memory you need is how much control you have over the database. The less control you have, the more memory you need.

Here’s an example: One thing that steals control from you is using an ORM. When you let one translate code into queries, Really Bad Things™ can happen. Even with Perfect Indexes™ available, you can get some very strange queries and subsequently very strange query plans.

One of the best ways to take some control back isn’t even available in Standard Edition.

If you do have control, the primary drivers of how much memory you need are how effective your indexes are, and how well your queries are written to take advantage of them. You can get away with less memory in general because your data footprint in the buffer pool will be a lot smaller.

You can watch a video I recorded about that here:

Thanks for reading (and watching)!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

The Great Memory Heist: How Queries Steal Memory From SQL Server’s Buffer Pool

Best Buy

Thanks for watching!

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If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Starting SQL: Query Memory Grants In SQL Server Execution Plans

Do You Believe?

Memory is so very important to SQL Server performance. It doesn’t solve every problem, but you sure as heck feel it when there’s not enough. Like I said before, memory is a shared resource.

Your buffer pool needs it to cache data pages, and your queries need it for operators that need extra space to write stuff down.

If you constantly have queries and the buffer pool fighting over memory, sure, you might just need more memory. You might also need to grapple with those memory grants in a different way.

You & Me

To recap earlier posts, the most common things you’ll see asking for memory grants in a query plan are Sorts and Hashes. There is one form of optimized Nested Loops that’ll ask for memory, but I don’t see people running into problems with those all too often.

Let’s start with a simple query that will ask for a memory grant to sort data.

        SELECT TOP (1000) 
                 u.Id          -- 166MB (INT)
               , u.DisplayName -- 300MB (NVARCHAR 40)
               , u.WebsiteUrl  -- 900MB (NVARCHAR 200)
               , u.Location    -- 1.3GB (NVARCHAR 100)
               , u.AboutMe     -- 9.4GB (NVARCHAR MAX)
        FROM dbo.Users AS u
        ORDER BY u.Reputation
     ) AS u

Now, in a previous post I explained how the optimizer can make some weird guesses about memory grant needs when you get strings involved — not ordering by strings, just selecting them.

The guess made is that string columns will be half full. That can work out okay if your string-column-fullness hovers around the middle ground.

But if it hovers towards the high or low end of how you’ve defined the length of your string columns, you can end up with some crappy memory need estimates.

In the last post, we looked at how much the optimizer would ask for. Now let’s look at how much actually gets used.


For the full query, the memory grant is 9.4GB, but only 380MB gets used. That seems bad to be.

o no.

Now, to be fair, the nice people at Microsoft are attempting to right these wrongs. In SQL Server 2017 we got Memory Grant Feedback, but it was only available for queries with Eau De Batch Mode on.

In SQL Server 2019, it’s available to Row Mode plans. Of course, that’s only in Enterprise Edition. If you’re on Standard Edition, you’re screwed :^)

So for all you screwed folks out there, which is most of you, you might have queries constantly asking for way more memory than they need. In this case, the query asks for about 9.1GB of memory more than it needs.

“Just Select Less”

Well, okay. What if we don’t select that MAX column? All your tables are well-designed, no one has used longer string columns than they should have, and none of your queries select a bunch of columns they don’t need.

        SELECT TOP (1000) 
                 u.Id          -- 166MB (INT)
               , u.DisplayName -- 300MB (NVARCHAR 40)
               , u.WebsiteUrl  -- 900MB (NVARCHAR 200)
               , u.Location    -- 1.3GB (NVARCHAR 100)
        FROM dbo.Users AS u
        ORDER BY u.Reputation
     ) AS u

We’ll still ask for 1.3GB of memory, and only use a fraction of it.

just great

What’s interesting is that in total we only use about 100MB less memory without the AboutMe column in there, despite asking for about 8GB less memory.

Reducing Memory Grants

There are a number of ways to help mitigate queries asking for too much memory, but they all depend on what the root cause of the issue is.

  • You might have overly large columns, or queries that do something like select * — you might be able to fix that by rewriting queries. Given enough control, you should resize columns to be a more appropriate size, too.
  • You might be dealing with parameter sniffing, which has a whole bunch of different approaches which will require their own decades of research, ha ha ha.
  • You might be missing an opportune index that could help you avoid a sort, or help the optimizer choose a non-hash join or aggregate.
  • You might be asking queries to put data in order when it’s not necessary
  • You might be using some unfortunate “feature” that messes up cardinality estimation
  • You might be dealing with out of date statistics
  • You might need to apply a query hint to control the size of the grant
  • You might need to use Resource Governor to control the size of memory grants

Of course, all this effort depends on how severe your problems are.

A good way to judge if queries are trampling on each other is to look at resource semaphore waits. That’s queries waiting to get memory to run.

Another might be to look at PAGEIOLATCH_XX waits to see how much time you’re spending reading pages from disk. It’s possible that excessive query memory grants are forcing data out of the buffer pool.

Thanks for reading!

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If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Starting SQL: Compensating For Memory Waits In SQL Server

Scrabble Words

You spend most of your life waiting. Sometimes it’s not bad. Even a long wait can be okay if you only have to do it once.

Once I waited an hour for a lobster roll. Once.

But let’s face it — it’s a lot different waiting for something you really want. When you’re waiting for a query to finish, it’s probably just to do your job.

That probably isn’t fun, like waiting all year to get a glass of Port Ellen in Seattle only to have PASS get moved to Houston and then have a pandemic break out.

Or something.

Semaphored Kind Of Life

Memory is precious, that’s why VM admins give you so little of it. SQL Server also thinks memory is precious, and will only give certain things so much of it. For instance, it’ll only give Windows a tiny bit, ha ha ha.

Just kidding. Sort of. Set Max Server Memory responsibly, though. Especially if you lock pages in memory.

SQL Server will dedicate memory to two main areas:

  • Caching data in the buffer pool
  • Giving to queries temporarily to use as scratch space

I posted earlier in the series about what queries use memory for, but to recap:

  • Building hash tables
  • Sorting data
  • Optimized nested loops
  • Column store inserts

The most common uses will be hashing and sorting, but you should be aware of the others.

RAM, Limited

It’s “fairly” easy to figure out how big your buffer pool needs to be to deal with your most commonly used data. The real wild card becomes figuring out queries and memory grants.

  • SQL Server might make a bad guess for a memory grant
  • It might happen because you’ve picked unforgivably large sizes for string columns
  • It could make a good guess for one parameter that’s bad for another parameter
  • Or it might just be a bad guess all around, even if you picked good sizes for string columns

And any of this could happen at any time, because databases are completely insane places.

Will There Be Enough Room?

When memory grants go wild, either because a small number start getting huge grants, or because a swarm of queries all get small to medium sized grants, they start stealing space from the buffer pool.

Sure, this sucks because as data gets pushed out, you might have to re-read it from disk. If your disks aren’t awful, you might not notice too much strain. Things’ll be a little less snappy, but it might not be the end of the world.

It’s not like you “run out” of buffer pool space, it just turns into a weird gas-station-sushi montage of things going out as fast as they go in. You absolutely can run out of memory grant space, though. And that, my friends, is when the real waiting can happen.

The wait that shows up when you run out of memory to give to queries is called RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE. I demo that happening in a video here. At that link, you’ll also find an easy to run script to help you figure out which queries might be causing those problems.

Rock n’ Roll, Deal With It

There are some interesting ways to fight inflated memory grants. You do need to strike a balance between memory grant sizes and potential spill sizes, but that’s well beyond a blog post. That also assumes that memory grants can’t be properly addressed via other means.

You may hit some of this stuff for reasons that will sound eerily familiar to other potential query fixes.

  • Are you writing crappy queries that make the optimizer make bad guesses?
  • Do you need to add an index to fix a sort?
  • Does adding a better index get you away from a hash join or aggregate?
  • Does separating data into relational and informational pieces help?

After that, you’re looking at more heavy-handed fixes, like Resource Governor, or query hints.

If you have a good alternative plan, you may be able to force it with a plan guide, or using Query Store. But that assumes you have a good alternative plan that’s good for a wide range of parameters. And that’s a big assumption.

What’s a good place to find information about memory grants? Well, we got those there query plan things, and maybe we should start poking around those.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Starting SQL: Sorts And Memory Grants In SQL Server


For SQL Server queries that require additional memory, grants are derived for serial plans. If a parallel plan is explored and chosen, memory will be divided evenly among threads.

Memory grant estimates are based on:

  • Number of rows (cardinality)
  • Size of rows (data size)
  • Number of concurrent memory consuming operators

If a parallel plan is chosen, there is some memory overhead to process parallel exchanges (distribute, redistribute, and gather streams), however their memory needs are still not calculated the same way.

Memory Consuming Operators

The most common operators that ask for memory are

  • Sorts
  • Hashes (joins, aggregates)
  • Optimized Nested Loops

Less common operators that require memory are inserts to column store indexes. These also differ in that memory grants are currently multiplied by DOP for them.

Memory needs for Sorts are typically much higher than for hashes. Sorts will ask for at least estimated size of data for a memory grant, since they need to sort all result columns by the ordering element(s). Hashes need memory to build a hash table, which does not include all selected columns.


If I run this query, intentionally hinted to DOP 1, it will ask for 166 MB of memory.

    SELECT TOP (1000) 
    FROM dbo.Users AS u 
    ORDER BY u.Reputation 
) AS u 
SQL Server Query Plan
Big Memory Grant

If I run this query (again, DOP 1), the plan will change, and the memory grant will go up slightly.

    SELECT TOP (1000) 
    FROM dbo.Users AS u 
    ORDER BY u.Reputation
) AS u
    SELECT TOP (1000) 
    FROM dbo.Users AS u 
    ORDER BY u.Reputation
) AS u2
    ON u.Id = u2.Id


SQL Server Query Plan
Another Memory Grant!

There are two Sorts, and now a Hash Join. The memory grant bumps up a little bit to accommodate the hash build, but it does not double because the Sort operators cannot run concurrently.

If I change the query to force a nested loops join, the grant will double to deal with the concurrent Sorts.

    SELECT TOP (1000) 
    FROM dbo.Users AS u 
    ORDER BY u.Reputation
) AS u
INNER LOOP JOIN /*Force the loop join*/
    SELECT TOP (1000) 
    FROM dbo.Users AS u 
    ORDER BY u.Reputation
)AS u2
    ON u.Id = u2.Id
SQL Server Query Plan
Double The Memory Grant!

The memory grant doubles because Nested Loop is not a blocking operator, and Hash Join is.

Size Of Data Matters

This query selects string data of different combinations. Depending on which columns I select, the size of the memory grant will go up.

The way size of data is calculated for variable string data is rows * 50% of the column’s declared length. This is true for VARCHAR and NVARCHAR, though NVARCHAR columns are doubled since they store double-byte characters. This does change in some cases with the new CE, but details aren’t documented.

Size of data also matters for hash operations, but not to the same degree that it does for Sorts.

    SELECT TOP (1000) 
        u.Id -- 166MB (INT) 
      , u.DisplayName -- 300MB (NVARCHAR 40) 
      , u.WebsiteUrl -- 900MB (NVARCHAR 200) 
      , u.Location -- 1.2GB (NVARCHAR 100) 
      , u.AboutMe -- 9GB (NVARCHAR MAX) 
    FROM dbo.Users AS u 
    ORDER BY u.Reputation 
) AS u 
SQL Server Query Plan

But What About Parallelism?

If I run this query at different DOPs, the memory grant is not multiplied by DOP.

    SELECT TOP (1000) 
    FROM dbo.Users AS u 
    ORDER BY u.Reputation
) AS u
    SELECT TOP (1000) 
    FROM dbo.Users AS u 
    ORDER BY u.Reputation
) AS u2
    ON u.Id = u2.Id
    u2.Id -- Add an ORDER BY 
SQL Server Query Results

There are slight increases to deal with more parallel buffers per exchange operator, and perhaps there are internal reasons that the Sort and Hash builds require extra memory to deal with higher DOP, but it’s clearly not a multiplying factor.

Thanks for reading!

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If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Starting SQL: A Little TOP Can Have A Big Sort In SQL Server Query Plans


To illustrate this problem a little bit better, I need to use a slightly different query.

While a tidy group by was nice to illustrate some of the simpler points about lookups, it overly complicates things when we want to involve other columns.

The second we need anything else in the select or order by portions of a query, we need to apply aggregates to them, or include them in the group by.

And you see, once you set up a query to return the TOP N rows, there’s an expectation that users get to choose the order they start seeing rows in. As long as we stick to columns whose ordering is supported by an index, things will be pretty stable.

Once we go outside that, a TOP can be rough on a query.

Order By CreationDate

Even if we order by CreationDate in descending order, with the index created in ascending order, we don’t need an explicit sort operation to put data in order.

FROM dbo.Posts AS p
WHERE p.CreationDate >= '20131015'
ORDER BY p.CreationDate DESC;

There are some additional possibilities for this kind of thing with multi-key indexes that we’ll talk about later in the series, but for now this is a good enough illustration of indexes putting data in order.

SQL Server Query Plan
big chain

Order By Score

Let’s ask for data in a different order now. Score is a convenient villain, because there are lots of times when you might want to see things by a highest whatever metric is commendable to be high. Like not blood pressure, probably.

FROM dbo.Posts AS p
WHERE p.CreationDate >= '20131015'
SQL Server Query Plan
blown out

Without an index that has Score in the key, we need to physically put the data in order to fit the requirements of the query. Note that in this case, the optimizer no longer sees any benefit to using our nonclustered index.

Why Do We Care About Sorts?

Without jumping too far ahead, Sorts need extra memory to run.

You know, that stuff you cache data in, and you don’t have enough of already?

Yeah, that memory.

The same memory that gives you a conniption every time PLE fluctuates.

How much they ask for is going to depend on:

  • How much memory you have
  • What max server memory is set to
  • The size of the data you need to sort

If we aren’t able to get enough memory, or if we don’t ask for enough up front, data could spill from memory to disk.

When spills get big enough, they can sometimes cause performance issues.

This is a good time to start talking a little bit more about indexes, so we can understand more about how they work and help us solve problems.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Signs Your SQL Server Execution Plan Is Lying To You: Spills and Memory Grants


Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Quickly Detecting CPU and Memory Pressure On A SQL Server With sp_PressureDetector

Options Ahoy

There are lots of great options out there for figuring out what’s happening on a server. If you’re the kind of person still running sp_who, or sp_who2, or sp_who8045, it’s time to stop.

You’ve got much better options, like sp_WhoIsActive, or the First Responder Kit. They’re both great, but sometimes I needed this very specific information very quickly without all the bells and whistles.

I’ve had to do some pretty weird troubleshooting in my life, where a server was totally jammed up, and these help me figure out what’s going on.


I call it the pressure detector. It’s four simple DMV queries that will give you different levels of detail about memory and CPU usage currently taking place on a server. Like a lot of these scripts, when a server is Baltimoring, you’re better off running them using the DAC. Otherwise, you’re kinda stuck in the same place all your other queries are.

So what does this help you with? Situations where you’re running out of worker threads, or when you’re running out of memory.

When you hit those, you’ll get smacked with a couple nasty waits:

  • THREADPOOL: Running out of worker threads
  • RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE: Running out of query memory

The thing is, sometimes it’s hard to see what’s happening, what’s causing problems, and what’s on the receiving end.

Check out this video to walk you through the proc results.

Video Killed

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.