SQL Server 2017 CU 30: The Real Story With SelOnSeqPrj Fixes

I am a heading

Thanks for watching! Demo scripts below.

Demo Scripts

USE StackOverflow2013;
EXEC dbo.DropIndexes;

ON dbo.Posts 
    (OwnerUserId, Score DESC) 
    (CreationDate, LastActivityDate)

        PostRank = 
            DENSE_RANK() OVER
               PARTITION BY 
               ORDER BY     
                  p.Score DESC 
    FROM dbo.Posts AS p;

FROM dbo.PushyPaul AS p
WHERE p.OwnerUserId = 22656;

    @UserId int
    FROM dbo.PushyPaul AS p
    WHERE p.OwnerUserId = @UserId;

EXEC dbo.StinkyPete 
    @UserId = 22656;

/*Start Here*/




FROM dbo.PushyPaul AS p
WHERE p.OwnerUserId = 22656
AND   1 = (SELECT 1); /*Avoid trivial plan/simple parameterization*/

/*Let's cause a problem!*/

FROM dbo.PushyPaul AS p
WHERE p.OwnerUserId = 22656
AND   1 = (SELECT 1); /*Avoid trivial plan/simple parameterization*/

/*Can we fix the problem?*/

FROM dbo.PushyPaul AS p
WHERE p.OwnerUserId = 22656
AND   1 = (SELECT 1); /*Avoid trivial plan/simple parameterization*/

/*That's kinda weird...*/

FROM dbo.PushyPaul AS p
WHERE p.OwnerUserId = 22656
AND   1 = (SELECT 1); /*Avoid trivial plan/simple parameterization*/

/*Turn Down Service*/

FROM dbo.PushyPaul AS p
WHERE p.OwnerUserId = 22656
AND   1 = (SELECT 1); /*Avoid trivial plan/simple parameterization*/

/*Okay then.*/

/*I'm different.*/

FROM dbo.PushyPaul AS p
WHERE p.OwnerUserId = 22656
AND   1 = (SELECT 1); /*Avoid trivial plan/simple parameterization*/




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If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Fixing Ordered Column Store Sorting In SQL Server 2022

Groove Is In The Heart

When Brent posted about the availability of, and disappointment with creating ordered column store indexes in SQL Server 2022, I got to work.

I can’t have my dear friend Brent being all distraught with all those fast cars around. That’s how accidents happen, and I fear he might leave the Blitz scripts to me in his will or something.

Anyway, I decided to dig in and see what was going on behind the scenes. Which of course, means query plans, and bothering people who are really good at debuggers.

Most of the problems that you’ll run into in SQL Server will come from sorting data.

Whenever I have to think about Sorts, I head to this post about all the different Sorts you might see in a query plan.

More on that later, though.

Cod Piece

In Paul’s post, he talks about using undocumented trace flag 8666 to get additional details about Sort operators.

Let’s do that. Paul is smart, though he is always completely wrong about which season it is.


INTO dbo.Votes_CCI
FROM dbo.Votes AS v;

I’m using the Votes table because it’s nice and narrow and I don’t have to tinker with any string columns.

Strings in databases were a mistake, after all.

ON dbo.Votes_CCI
ORDER (Postid);

Here’s what we get back in the query plan:

SQL Server Query Plan
Tainted Sort

We’ve got a Soft Sort! What does our seasonally maladjusted friend say about those?

A “soft sort” uses only its primary memory grant and never spills. It doesn’t guarantee fully-sorted output. Each sort run using the available memory grant will be sorted. A “sort sort” represents a best effort given the resource available. This property can be used to infer that a Sort is implemented with CQScanPartitionSortNew without attaching a debugger. The meaning of the InMemory property flag shown above will be covered in part 2. It does not indicate whether a regular sort was performed in memory or not.

Well, with that attitude, it’s not surprising that there are so many overlapping buckets in the column store index. If it’s not good enough, what can you do?

Building the index with the Soft Sort here also leads to things being as bad as they were in Brent’s post.

Insert Debugging Here

Alas, there’s (almost) always a way. Microsoft keeps making these trace flag things.

There are a bunch of different ways to track them down, but figuring out the behavior of random trace flags that you may find just by enabling them isn’t easy.

One way to tie a trace flag to a behavior is to use WinDbg to step through different behaviors in action, and see if SQL Server checks to see if a trace flag is enabled when that behavior is performed.

If you catch that, you can be reasonably sure that the trace flag will have some impact on the behavior. Not all trace flags can be enabled at runtime. Some need to be enabled as startup options.

Sometimes it’s hours and hours of work to track this stuff down, and other times Paul White (b|t) already has notes on helpful ones.

The trace flag below, 2417, is present going back to SQL Server 2014, and can help with the Soft Sort issues we’re seeing when building ordered clustered column store indexes today.

Here’s another one:

DBCC TRACEON(8666, 2417);
ON dbo.Votes_CCI
ORDER (Postid)
DBCC TRACEOFF(8666, 2417);

The MAXDOP 1 hint isn’t strictly necessary. With a parallel plan, you may see up to DOP overlapping row groups.

SQL Server Query Plan
community service

That’s why it was a popular maneuver to emulate this behavior by creating a clustered row store index, and then create a clustered column store index over it with drop existing and a MAXDOP 1 hint.

At DOP 1, you don’t see that overlap. It takes a lot longer of course — 3 minutes instead of 30 or so seconds — which is a real bummer. But without it, you could see DOP over lapping rowgroups.

If you want All The Pretty Little Rowgroups, this is what you have to do.

Anyway, the result using sp_BlitzIndex looks a lot better now:

EXEC sp_BlitzIndex
    @TableName = 'Votes_CCI';
SQL Server Query Results
capture the flag

How nice.

You can also use undocumented and unsupported trace flag 11621, which is

[A] feature flag for the ‘partition sort on column store order’ so the end result is similar, but via a different mechanism to 2417.
A partition sort is useful in general to prevent unnecessary switching between partitions. If you sort the stream by partition, you process all the rows for one before moving on to the next. A soft sort is ok there because it’s just a performance optimization. Worst case, you end up switching between partitions quite often because the sort ran out of memory, but correct results will still occur.

Chain Gang

A “reasonable” alternative to trace flags maybe to adjust the index create memory configuration option. If we set it down to the minimum value, we get a “helpful” error message:

EXEC sys.sp_configure 
    'index create memory', 


As promised:

Msg 8606, Level 17, State 1, Line 31

This index operation requires 123208 KB of memory per DOP.

The total requirement of 985800 KB for DOP of 8 is greater than the sp_configure value of 704 KB set for the advanced server configuration option “index create memory (KB)”.

Increase this setting or reduce DOP and rerun the query.

If you get the actual execution plan for the clustered column store index create or rebuild with the Soft Sort disabled and look at the memory grant, you get a reasonable estimate for what to set index create memory to.

Changing it does two things:

  • Avoids the very low memory grant that Soft Sorts receive, and causes the uneven row groups
  • The Soft Sort keeps the index create from going above that index create memory number

Setting index create memory for this particular index creation/rebuild to 5,561,824 gets you the nice, even row groups (at MAXDOP 1) that we saw when disabling the Soft Sort entirely.

Bottom line, here is that uneven row groups happen with column store indexes when there’s a:

  • Parallel create/rebuild
  • Low memory grant create/rebuild

If this sort of thing is particularly important to you, you could adjust index create memory to a value that allows the Soft Sort adequate memory.

But that’s a hell of a lot of work, and I hope Microsoft just fixes this in a later build.

Reality Bites

The cute thing here is that, while this syntactical functionality has been available in Azure Cloud Nonsense© for some time, no one uses that, so no one cares.

The bits for this were technically available in SQL Server 2019 as well, but I’m not telling you how to do that. It’s not supported, and bad things might happen if you use it.

I mean, bad things happen in SQL Server 2022 where it’s supported unless you use an undocumented trace flag, but… Uh. I dunno.

This trace flag seems to set things back to how things worked in the Before Times, though, which is probably how they should have stayed.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Common SQL Server Consulting Advice: Enabling Trace Flags

Lessen Earned

This is advice that I have to give less frequently these days, but is absolutely critical when I do.

With SQL Server 2016, suggestions that I’d normally make to folks became the default behavior

  • 1117 and 1118 for tempdb performance and contention
  • 2371 for stats update threshold improvements on large tables

By far the most common trace flag that I still have to get turned on is 8048. Please read the post at the link before telling me that it’s not necessary.

Most trace flags work best as a startup option, because then you don’t have to remember to turn them on again.

There are a lot of trace flags that I usually have people turn off, too. Most common at the 12XX trace flags that stick deadlock information in the error log.

There are far better ways to get at that information these days, like using the system health extended event session.

Lessen Earned

There are query-level trace flags that make sense sometimes, too as part of query tuning and experimentation.

Some of these have been replaced by written hints, too:

  • 8690 can be replaced by OPTION(NO_PERFORMANCE_SPOOL);

Others are quite interesting to get more details about the optimization process. They almost all require 3604 to be used as well, to output messages the to console.

  • 2315: Memory allocations taken during compilation
  • 2363: (2014+) Statistics Info
  • 2372: Shows memory utilization during the different optimization stages
  • 2373: Shows memory utilization while applying optimization rules and deriving properties
  • 7352: Show final query tree (post-optimization rewrites)
  • 8605: Initial query tree
  • 8606: Additional LogOp trees
  • 8607: Optimizer output tree
  • 8608: Input tree copied into memo
  • 8609: Operation counts
  • 8612: Extra LogOp info
  • 8615: Final memo
  • 8619: Applied transformation rules
  • 8620: Add memo arguments to trace flag 8619
  • 8621: Rule with resulting tree
  • 8670: Disables Search2 phase of optimization
  • 8671: Disables logic that prunes memo and prevents optimizer from stopping due to “Good Enough Plan found”
  • 8675: Optimization phases and timing
  • 8757: Disable trivial plan generation
  • 9204: Interesting statistics loaded (< 2014)
  • 9292: Interesting statistics (< 2014)

If this all seems daunting, it’s because it is. And in most cases, it should be. But like… Why not make trace flags safeguards?


Microsoft creates trace flags to change default product behavior, often to solve a problem.

If you read through a cumulative update patch notes, you might find some documentation (no seriously, stop laughing) that says you need to apply the CU and enable a trace flag to see a problem get resolved.

It would be nice if SQL Server were a bit more proactive and capable of self-healing. If the issue at hand is detected, why not enable the trace flag automatically? There’s no need for it to act like a sinking ship.

I get that it’s not feasible all the time, and that some of them truly are only effective at startup (but that seems like something that could be done, too).

Let’s look at semi-recent Trace Flag 8101 as an example!

When you run many online transactions on a database in Microsoft SQL Server 2019, you notice severe spinlock contention. The severe contention is generally observed on new generation and high-end systems. The following conditions apply to severe spinlock contention:

  • Requires modern hardware, such as Intel Skylake processors
  • Requires a server that has many CPUs
  • Requires a high number of concurrent users
  • Symptoms may include unexpected high CPU usage

Okay, some of this stuff can be (or is interrogated at startup as part of Hekaton checks). Maybe some is subjective, like what constitutes a high number of concurrent users, or CPU.

But there’s more!

Note In SQL Server 2019 Cumulative Update 16, we fixed spinlock contention on SPL_HOBT_HASH and SPL_COMPPLAN_SKELETON.

Okay, and…

Note Trace flag 8101 has to be turned on to enable the fix.

That seems far less subjective, and a good opportunity to self-heal a little bit. Flip the switch, SQL Server.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Trace Flag 8048 May Still Be Necessary After SQL Server 2016

Big Box

Way back when, SQL Servers with lots of cores could hit some weird contention on CMEMTHREAD. To fix that and a lot of other issues associated with running on a large server, people would resort to all sorts of trace flags.

My dear friend L_____ (b|t) has a list. Maybe not the most up to date list, but there are a lot of good references in the post.

Something we’ve both observed working with large servers is that Trace Flag 8048 might still be necessary under some circumstances.

Two Reasons

Starting with SQL Server 2016, it partitions memory dynamically. That’s cool.

Beats what it used to do by a country mile. Maybe even a continent mile.

But there are two problems you can run into:

  • You don’t meet the dynamic threshold, but still generate enough activity to run into contention
  • You run into issues faster than the dynamic threshold gets hit and starts taking effect

Many tools in the First Responder Kit will warn you about high CMEMTHREAD waits. You may even see them from heavy Query Store use.

If you’re running a large server, this trace flag may still be of value even after SQL Server 2016.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

A Method to Find Trace Flags In SQL Server

Trace flags are often-hidden configuration switches within SQL Server that can be used to change advanced configuration options, enable or disable fixes, or provide additional diagnostic information. Microsoft recently (on the time scale of the product) published a list of supported trace flags.  The community has found other, undocumented trace flags through various means. The best repository that I’m aware of is maintained by Konstantin Ktaranov here and published here. This blog post contains a stored procedure that can find trace flags. The code contained in this blog post is extremely dangerous and should never be run in production. Be prepared to say goodbye to any server that you run it on.

Hunting Technique

Microsoft gives us a few clues about the range of valid trace flags. All of the documented trace flags (other than the one to make trace flags globally scoped, -1) are positive integers less than 11025. Looking through the list, we can see that similar trace flags are often grouped together. However, the most important hint is that DBCC TRACEON and DBCC TRACEOFF threw an error for any trace flag that’s above some hardcoded maximum. In SQL Server 2017 CU2 the largest allowed value is 11498. What if we had a stored procedure which could take a query to run, turn on one trace flag at a time from 1 to 11498, save off the XML from the estimated plan, turn off the trace flag, go to the next one, and compare all of the generated XML? That would give us a way to check for changes to the XML for everything in the known range of possible trace flags.The technique described above will not work for trace flags that can only be activated at server startup. You’ll need something like Brent’s method here for that. It also won’t work well for trace flags which need other trace flags to be enabled at the same time. Some trace flags have an effect which cannot be observed through an estimated plan, such as some server settings and aggregate pushdown for CCIs. Still, with the right test query and a little patience you can get some interesting results.

Prepare for the Hunt

The stored procedure requires a few tables to exist and be populated. There is a set of three tables that exclude trace flags in different ways:


The first table, STACK_DUMP_TFS, contains trace flags that cause stack dumps which you never want to enable. I found two such trace flags during my testing, but there could be others depending on server configuration and the query that you’re testing. The TFS_TO_EXCLUDE table contains trace flags that you don’t want to enable for one reason or another. Maybe you want to enable a trace flag throughout the lifetime of a test or you’ve found a previously unknown trace flag and you don’t want to continue to show up your test results. The KNOWN_TFS table contains all trace flags found in Konstantin’s trace flag guide. Of course, you can populate the tables with whatever you want, but I put code to populate the tables with the dataset that I use on pastebin.Finally, the stored procedure logs what it finds to the following table:


The structure of the table will make more sense after I go through an example later on in this post.

Set Your Bait

The stored procedure has a few parameters to define the search:

@test_name VARCHAR(100),@query_text NVARCHAR(3900),@tf_scope VARCHAR(10) = 'GLOBAL',@first_TF_to_search INT = 1,@last_TF_to_search INT = 11498,@skip_known_TFs INT = 1

The @test_name parameter controls what is logged to the TEST_NAME column of LOG_TF_XML_COMPARE. The stored procedure deletes all existing data from the table with a matching @test_name and @tf_scope.The @query_text parameter contains the query for which an estimated plan to be generated. Currently, the procedure only supports single statement queries, so you can’t define a variable or create a table in the query text and do something else after.The @tf_scope parameter controls if the trace flags are enabled at the session, global, or query level with QUERYTRACEON. Allowed inputs are 'GLOBAL', 'SESSION', and 'QUERY'. The query level can only be used if @query_text contains a '{{QUERYTRACEON}}' or '{{QUERYHINT}}' placeholder. '{{QUERYTRACEON}}' should be used as a substitute for QUERYTRACEON in the query and '{{QUERYHINT}}' should be used to create the OPTION part of a query, so you’d only use '{{QUERYTRACEON}}' if you need to specify other hints at the query level.@first_TF_to_search is the first trace flag to search with a default value of 1. Trace flags are always searched in ascending order.@last_TF_to_search is the last trace flag to search with a default value of 11498. I haven’t done any testing on lower versions of SQL Server, so it’s possible that you’ll see errors when trying trace flags with a higher value on some product versions.If @skip_known_TFs is set to 0 then trace flags in the KNOWN_TFS table will be skipped during the stored procedure run. Trace flags in the STACK_DUMP_TFS and TFS_TO_EXCLUDE tables are always skipped.

Begin the Hunt

The procedure enables a trace flag, generates a cached plan, does some cleanup on the plan, and saves it into the logging table if it’s different from the plan without any trace flags. The full code of the procedure is below:

-- THIS CODE DOES BAD THINGS!!!!CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[FIND_TRACE_FLAGS] (@test_name VARCHAR(100),@query_text NVARCHAR(3900),@tf_scope VARCHAR(10) = 'GLOBAL',@first_TF_to_search INT = 1,@last_TF_to_search INT = 11498,@skip_known_TFs INT = 1)ASBEGINDECLARE@plan_handle VARBINARY(64),@plan_xml XML,@query_error nvarchar(4000),@TF INT,@trace_sql VARCHAR(1000),@standard_plan_xml_as_string NVARCHAR(MAX),@TF_is_known INT,@query_text_to_run_w_placeholders NVARCHAR(4000),@query_text_to_run NVARCHAR(4000);SET NOCOUNT ON;IF @tf_scope NOT IN ('GLOBAL', 'SESSION', 'QUERY')BEGINTHROW 50001, 'Fix @tf_scope', 1;RETURN;END;IF @tf_scope = 'QUERY' AND @query_text NOT LIKE '%{{QUERYTRACEON}}%' AND @query_text NOT LIKE '%{{QUERYHINT}}%'BEGINTHROW 50001, '@query_text needs {{QUERYTRACEON}} or {{QUERYHINT}} placeholder', 1;RETURN;END;IF @first_TF_to_search NOT BETWEEN 1 AND 11498 -- max that doesn't error out in DBCC traceon is 11498BEGINTHROW 50001, 'Fix @first_TF_to_search', 1;RETURN;END;IF @last_TF_to_search NOT BETWEEN 1 AND 11498 -- max that doesn't error out in DBCC traceon is 11498BEGINTHROW 50001, 'Fix @@last_TF_to_search', 1;RETURN;END;IF @tf_scope = 'QUERY' AND @query_text NOT LIKE '%{{QUERYTRACEON}}%' AND @query_text NOT LIKE '%{{QUERYHINT}}%'BEGINTHROW 50001, '@query_text needs {{QUERYTRACEON}} or {{QUERYHINT}} placeholder', 1;END;DBCC TRACEON(8757) with NO_INFOMSGS; -- disable trivial plansDELETE FROM dbo.LOG_TF_XML_COMPARE WITH (TABLOCK)WHERE TEST_NAME = @test_name AND TF_SCOPE = @tf_scopeOPTION (RECOMPILE);DBCC FREEPROCCACHE with NO_INFOMSGS;SET @query_text_to_run_w_placeholders = N'SET NOEXEC ON; /* FIND_ME */' + @query_text;IF @tf_scope <> 'QUERY'BEGINSET @query_text_to_run = @query_text_to_run_w_placeholdersENDELSEBEGINSET @query_text_to_run = REPLACE(REPLACE(@query_text_to_run_w_placeholders, N'{{QUERYTRACEON}}', N''), N'{{QUERYHINT}}', N'');END;BEGIN TRYEXEC (@query_text_to_run);END TRYBEGIN CATCHSET @query_error = ERROR_MESSAGE();END CATCH;IF @query_error IS NOT NULLBEGINTHROW 50001, @query_error, 1;RETURN;END;SELECT /* HIDE_ME */ @plan_handle = ecp.plan_handle, @plan_xml = eqp.query_planFROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans ecpCROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(ecp.plan_handle) estCROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan (ecp.plan_handle) eqpWHERE est.text LIKE '%/* FIND_ME */%'AND est.text NOT LIKE '%/* HIDE_ME */%';DBCC FREEPROCCACHE (@plan_handle) WITH NO_INFOMSGS;SET @plan_xml.modify('declare default element namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/showplan";delete /ShowPlanXML/BatchSequence/Batch/Statements/StmtSimple[1]');SET @plan_xml.modify('declare default element namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/showplan";delete /ShowPlanXML/BatchSequence/Batch/Statements/StmtSimple/@StatementCompId');SET @plan_xml.modify('declare default element namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/showplan";delete /ShowPlanXML/BatchSequence/Batch/Statements/StmtSimple/QueryPlan/@CompileTime');SET @plan_xml.modify('declare default element namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/showplan";delete /ShowPlanXML/BatchSequence/Batch/Statements/StmtSimple/QueryPlan/@CompileCPU');SET @plan_xml.modify('declare default element namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/showplan";delete /ShowPlanXML/BatchSequence/Batch/Statements/StmtSimple/QueryPlan/@CompileMemory');SET @plan_xml.modify('declare default element namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/showplan";delete /ShowPlanXML/BatchSequence/Batch/Statements/StmtSimple/QueryPlan/TraceFlags');SET @plan_xml.modify('declare default element namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/showplan";delete /ShowPlanXML/BatchSequence/Batch/Statements/StmtSimple/QueryPlan/OptimizerHardwareDependentProperties/@MaxCompileMemory');IF @tf_scope = 'QUERY' -- only wipe out text and other stuff when QUERYTRACEON is usedBEGINSET @plan_xml.modify('declare default element namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/showplan";delete /ShowPlanXML/BatchSequence/Batch/Statements/StmtSimple/@StatementText');SET @plan_xml.modify('declare default element namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/showplan";delete /ShowPlanXML/BatchSequence/Batch/Statements/StmtSimple/@QueryHash');SET @plan_xml.modify('declare default element namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/showplan";delete /ShowPlanXML/BatchSequence/Batch/Statements/StmtSimple/@QueryPlanHash');END;INSERT INTO dbo.LOG_TF_XML_COMPARE VALUES (@test_name, @tf_scope, 0, 0, GETDATE(), @plan_xml, @query_error);SET @standard_plan_xml_as_string = CAST(@plan_xml AS NVARCHAR(MAX));SET @TF = @first_TF_to_search;WHILE @TF <= @last_TF_to_searchBEGINSET @query_error = NULL;SET @plan_handle = NULL;SET @plan_xml = NULL;SET @TF_is_known = 0;IF @TF = 8757 OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.STACK_DUMP_TFS WHERE TF = @TF) OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.TFS_TO_EXCLUDE WHERE TF = @TF)BEGINSET @TF = @TF + 1;CONTINUE;END;IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.KNOWN_TFS WHERE TF = @TF)BEGINSET @TF_is_known = 1;END;IF @TF_is_known = 1 AND @skip_known_TFs = 1BEGINSET @TF = @TF + 1;CONTINUE;END;-- set trace flag at right levelIF @tf_scope = 'GLOBAL'BEGINSET @trace_sql = 'DBCC TRACEON(' + CAST(@TF AS VARCHAR(5)) + ', -1) with NO_INFOMSGS';EXEC (@trace_sql);ENDELSE IF @tf_scope = 'SESSION'BEGINSET @trace_sql = 'DBCC TRACEON(' + CAST(@TF AS VARCHAR(5)) + ') with NO_INFOMSGS';EXEC (@trace_sql);ENDELSEBEGINSET @query_text_to_run = REPLACE(REPLACE(@query_text_to_run_w_placeholders, N'{{QUERYTRACEON}}', N', QUERYTRACEON ' + CAST(@TF AS NVARCHAR(5))), N'{{QUERYHINT}}', N'OPTION(QUERYTRACEON ' + CAST(@TF AS NVARCHAR(5)) + N')' );END;BEGIN TRYEXEC (@query_text_to_run);END TRYBEGIN CATCHSET @query_error = ERROR_MESSAGE();END CATCH;IF @query_error IS NULLBEGINSELECT /* HIDE_ME */ @plan_handle = ecp.plan_handle, @plan_xml = eqp.query_planFROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans ecpCROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(ecp.plan_handle) estCROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan (ecp.plan_handle) eqpWHERE est.text LIKE '%/* FIND_ME */%'AND est.text NOT LIKE '%/* HIDE_ME */%';IF @plan_handle IS NOT NULLBEGINDBCC FREEPROCCACHE (@plan_handle) WITH NO_INFOMSGS;SET @plan_xml.modify('declare default element namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/showplan";delete /ShowPlanXML/BatchSequence/Batch/Statements/StmtSimple[1]');SET @plan_xml.modify('declare default element namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/showplan";delete /ShowPlanXML/BatchSequence/Batch/Statements/StmtSimple/@StatementCompId');SET @plan_xml.modify('declare default element namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/showplan";delete /ShowPlanXML/BatchSequence/Batch/Statements/StmtSimple/QueryPlan/@CompileTime');SET @plan_xml.modify('declare default element namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/showplan";delete /ShowPlanXML/BatchSequence/Batch/Statements/StmtSimple/QueryPlan/@CompileCPU');SET @plan_xml.modify('declare default element namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/showplan";delete /ShowPlanXML/BatchSequence/Batch/Statements/StmtSimple/QueryPlan/@CompileMemory');SET @plan_xml.modify('declare default element namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/showplan";delete /ShowPlanXML/BatchSequence/Batch/Statements/StmtSimple/QueryPlan/TraceFlags');SET @plan_xml.modify('declare default element namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/showplan";delete /ShowPlanXML/BatchSequence/Batch/Statements/StmtSimple/QueryPlan/OptimizerHardwareDependentProperties/@MaxCompileMemory');IF @tf_scope = 'QUERY' -- only wipe out text and other stuff when QUERYTRACEON is usedBEGINSET @plan_xml.modify('declare default element namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/showplan";delete /ShowPlanXML/BatchSequence/Batch/Statements/StmtSimple/@StatementText');SET @plan_xml.modify('declare default element namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/showplan";delete /ShowPlanXML/BatchSequence/Batch/Statements/StmtSimple/@QueryHash');SET @plan_xml.modify('declare default element namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/showplan";delete /ShowPlanXML/BatchSequence/Batch/Statements/StmtSimple/@QueryPlanHash');END;END;END;IF @standard_plan_xml_as_string <> CAST(@plan_xml AS NVARCHAR(MAX))BEGININSERT INTO dbo.LOG_TF_XML_COMPARE VALUES (@test_name, @tf_scope, @TF, @TF_is_known, GETDATE(), @plan_xml, @query_error);END;-- set trace flag at right levelIF @tf_scope = 'GLOBAL'BEGINSET @trace_sql = 'DBCC TRACEOFF(' + CAST(@TF AS VARCHAR(5)) + ', -1) with NO_INFOMSGS';EXEC (@trace_sql);ENDELSE IF @tf_scope = 'SESSION'BEGINSET @trace_sql = 'DBCC TRACEOFF(' + CAST(@TF AS VARCHAR(5)) + ') with NO_INFOMSGS';EXEC (@trace_sql);END;SET @TF = @TF + 1;END;SELECT *FROM LOG_TF_XML_COMPAREWHERE TEST_NAME = @test_name AND TF_SCOPE = @tf_scopeORDER BY TEST_NAME, TF_SCOPE, TF_NUMBER;DBCC TRACEOFF(8757) with NO_INFOMSGS; -- enable trivial plansEND;

There are some limitations. The current version can only handle single statement queries up to 4000 characters. The trace flag to disable trivial plans is automatically set during the run to avoid some trace flags that are missed otherwise. The run time is based on the complexity of the query plan. The XML parsing isn’t very efficient but I can run one test on average every two minutes.Running this procedure will clean the plan cache, clear any trace flags already set, and possibly do other bad things including, but not limited to, causing stack dumps or data integrity issues.

The First Kill

Looking for trace flags related to adaptive joins is a good way to test the procedure. Dima already posted about a few undocumented trace flags here so it should be easy to verify the results. I used the same table that I created as part of this blog post. Here’s the code that I ran for the test:


After 101 seconds here are the results:


I can click on the plans and diff them to get clues as to what the listed trace flags do.

Final Thoughts

Remember, this code is extremely dangerous and should never be run in production or even in an important test environment. Feel free to use it to hunt for trace flags if you wish. My only request is that you share anything that you find with the community in some form.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

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